need help with my iphone! plz help!?


New member
Aug 12, 2008
ive downloaded this:2.1 Patched Mobile Installation but i cant figure how to install it?
it says i have to do this:
Do this before installing the cracked .ipa's
1) SSH into your iPhone/iPod Touch, navigate to the folder: "/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileInstallation.framework"
NOTE: This is a FOLDER!!!
2) Backup the file "MobileInstallation", just rename it to "MobileInstallation.bak" or copy it to your computer
3) Copy the patched file (In the Crack folder) to "/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileInstallation.framework"
4) Set the permissions of the file to 755
5) Navigate to "/private/var/mobile/"
7) Navigate into the "/private/var/mobile/applications/" folder
8) Create a "Documents" folder in the "/private/var/mobile/applications/" folder
9) Set the permission to 777
10) Navigate to the root level
11) Navigate into the "/Applications/" folder
12) Create a "Documents" folder in the "/Applications/" folder
13) Set permissions to 777
14) Reboot iPhone/iPod Touch
15) Now download one free official app from the appstore

but i cant find the file in step one :S someone plz help
ive tried to search with the search thing but no luck