New Car

That is one of the most ugly cars I have ever seen in my life.

Which is why it's so blinkin' brilliant. Lamborghini know how to offend your eyes, in the best possible way!
I know, but unfortunatley I had to send it back; not very good for the country lanes
Lambo's are so normal now. For £1M you could get this:
Mmmmmmmmmmmm that's HOT! It's the one that's meant to be like a fighter jet isn't it? Isn't the limited number something ridiculous like 20? I only know as my boyfriend went on about them at length. AMazing motor though!

yeeaah!!! You know that!!#

For £1m, it better have the anti-carjacking flames that shoot up from
the bottom to roast said carjacker!
Thing looks like it should be some sort of Transformer!

For the asking price, I hope it can at least make coffee for you!
For that asking price, I would want my face rearranging when I stomp on the go or stop pedal, or turn the wheel!

Sod the coffee, I want lateral G!