New kitten is a terror and is causing me to lose my mind - HELP!!!?


Jun 12, 2008
Alright. I'm an animals person and have had TONS of pets throughout my lifetime. I have never in my life been so annoyed with a kitten. He does not listen. He will not learn. If I say "NO", "Clap", spray water on him, or shake a can of rocks he has absolutely no reaction.

I lost my temper tonight because he wouldn't stop chewing on the wires and ended up shutting him in the bathroom so I could cool down.

I know never to hit an animal. The worse I've done is tap him on the nose when I say "NO".

I need disciplinary techniques. I need to teach this kitten what is acceptable behavior and what is not. (IE Jumping on the stove while I'm cooking is NOT okay. Chewing on computer wires or even playing with them is NOT okay).

Please help me. I want to kill him lol. (And no, I wouldn't really do that or hurt him for all you people who don't get the hint of sarcasm there).
