New Plasma with older Dvd Home Theater System, blue/yellow picture - no green or


Jun 4, 2008
red? Is it user error? Good Morning all,
I just got a new Panasonic Plasma - 1080 resolution and have an older (5years) JVC Home Theater that is hooked up with the Red, Blue, Green cable. Have the cable running into a DVR (RCA) that runs into the DVD Player that runs into the TV. The picture on the DVR is good, even the recorded stuff - the picture on the TV is phenomenal (even picked up more channels!) - the picture on the DVD is ok - but, only vivid blues and yellow - no green or red. Tried to adjust the tv picture and it has NO affect on the DVD picture, also - has a buzzing sound when I have the volume up on the tv. Is my player too old? Is there a fix? Is it something with the tv? Any ideas?
Thanks so much!
Hope you had a great holiday.
Sounds like you plugged some of your video cables into the audio spot. (would create a buzzing sound)

Make sure you plug your cables into the right place.