Newbie Saltwater Tank?


New member
Dec 12, 2011
I just started a biocube 29gal tank and added sand, salt and live rock and let run for two weeks. Also added live bacteria, I cant recall the product right now. Well I am very confused about how to maintain a saltwater tank, it seems like a lot of work but I am up to it. Just so many products out there and so many equipment that I dont know what is best for me. I have a bio cube protein skinner and a uv sterilizer. I also added 2 damsel fish, and 2 snails.Well what I want to know is what products are good to use? Such as chemicals, and test kits. I dont want to be buying a lot of products, just if you can tell me all that I would ever need? I hope you are able to help me out, thanks so much!
Test kits are test kits if you ask me but I use the Saltwater Master Liquid Test Kit, pretty easy to use.

Seachem are GREAT products the PARAGUARD is awsome for sick fish! Paraguard has CURED everything that I have come across, ich, pop eye, anything!! Easy to use and not a copper product

For your live rock use Kent Marine Purple Tech, it worked better than Purple up

Soak your food in selcon or Zoe marine. lots of food soak products with Vitamin C and garlic substitutes

If you want and if it fits use Chemi clean ELITE for your filter, the Chemi clean was not that great for me in my Saltwater tank but the ELITE was awesome