No need for me to say much only that i mostly agree with him.

'More likely' is a damned sight better than 'less likely'.

If Pakistan is part of the commission that makes a list of recommendations re: women's equality, they own a piece of those recommendations. It isn't something being handed to them on stone tablets from the all knowing white man. It is something that they themselves had input to. It makes it politically embarrassing if you can't enact your own recommendations and it makes it a whole lot harder to dismiss those recommendations as not relevant to your own country.
Really? It seems to be about the same thing to me, total crap. We're not talking about making a profit, we're talking about human rights here. No, "more likely" is not acceptable.

And the "all knowing white man." Seriously? Whatever bro.

The question is, if you have consitently allowed or failed to prevent violations to human rights as a country, how do you even get to be part of that commission in the first place? Which is a big part of the video.
How does your solution fix anything? Excluding those countries gives them a legitimate grievance against the process and gives them an easy way to dismiss the council's findings in the future effectively making the Council even more toothless than it already is. Bravo.
I assume that you live in a western country or am i wrong and i am not trying to be a smart ass im just asking a question and if the answer is yes then i think that you understand what i am getting at.
No i think that you misunderstand me, these people that i speak of have been my work colleague's and friends and some still are, i was with a Chinese girl for seven years that whole family had to escape from Saigon on a boat that her father made in secret her story had me in tears as well it was no less horrific then what the guy in the vid had to say.
Not at all. But I would say it is a very safe and intelligent assumption that the people of THAT church are seriously screwed up, and that many of them possibly are. Did anyone make a public display from that church in reprimanding that individual for his comment? If not, then I would spread the word that the particular church there is garbage and morally corrupt.
I don't think that was exaggerated at all. Yes it is a generalization, but an accurate one, and these countries should accept full responsibility for why they are viewed in such negative light by the rest of the world. Of course it's not every single person committing such horrendous acts, but it sure as hell is a lot of them. And if they want a place in the Board of Human Rights, they gotta earn it! If they really wanted to prove themselves, they can start by enforcing these human rights in their own countries!
Without thinking, we might say things like "those Muslims" or "those Christians" etc., but it doesn't mean the person saying it is actually ignorant enough to not understand the deeper causes of the issues, such as historical, cultural and political factors.

I think if people are gonna get slapped on the wrist every time they speak in generalizations, then you almost can't say anything without a full elaboration. That would be exhausting.

Political correctness nazis annoy me.

I think we all understand that the issues here are much deeper than the religion itself.
No idea, I wasn't there. If I had witnessed that I'd have said or done something. I know the campus police were on standby because of those nutjobs though.
What I quoted you on was said very much like a personal account by you, now you're saying it's not?

My point about it all was profiling the correct way, such as countries who do not get a handle on their human rights violations and associating them with the reasons those people justify many of them by (Islam). I don't believe the guy in the video mentions ALL Muslims, but rather those countries while mentioning that they are Muslim countries. Finding an association with being a country that has many human rights violations, and a national religion of being Muslim . . . . . . take it for what it is.

I like what MetalKitty said about political correctness nazis.
"Political corrrectness nazis"? Oh, those awful, terrible political correctness nazis who want us to refer to people of other cultures as if they were actually people. How frightful
It was in our school newspaper and my ex-wife was present.

I actually DO believe the popular perversions of Islam are the most violent modern religions on the planet. That I'm not disputing. I'm also well aware of how many fundamentalists other religions have produced that people casually take for granted in these discussions. I was merely reminding everyone that it's a revolving door topic. Being in academics, I've had the benefit of knowing several entirely peaceful Muslims.

These idiots have probably created more racists than the EDL and BNP put together.
People say stuff like this, but fail to mention how many not-entirely-peaceful-Muslims they know.

Saying 'I know a few peaceful Muslims' suggests that you know some Muslims who are not peaceful.
You sound like a very whiney person who, because people are saying something that can be associated with the crazies, that they're automatically dehumanizing people. This is all regardless of the fact that anyone here on this particular thread is pointing out that they are not saying ALL muslims are evil terrorists, or any of them for that matter. What's being said is the people that are violating human rights in this case, associate themselves with islam and use it to justify their actions. You're making arguments against things that aren't being said (allthough some posts have lacked a certain clarity of intent).
Crap. You're using incidents like this:

To justify your own borderline views and comments.
Oh, and I'm whiney? You're the one who's whining about political correctness give you half a chance and you'll bring up health and safety next, I shouldn't wonder
I think the issue is to what degree extremists or those people willing to openly display their views reflect similar views in the rest of the population that are not quite so vocal, and furthermore how informed those views are by the background of those people (which obviously includes religion).
For example there has recenly been some muslims charged with handing out homophobic literature. It was only 3-5 guys or so. A very small minority.
Now I think they actually represent a much larger undercurrent of homophobia in the muslim population as a whole. They just don't make leaflets and give them out.
What's more I think that undercurrent is fed by islamic teachings and ideas quite seperate from the individuals that make those teachings and ideas have real-world ramifications (as is backed up by the fact that the homophobes quote the koran and the hadith on such matters).

It's not "all muslims are terrorists" nor "islam as a religion has no problems at all".
It's all a bit of a problem really IMHO.