Non-believers - how do you distinguish when you are using humor to bash...


New member
May 21, 2008
...christians as a crutch for? other emotional pains you have in other areas of your life?

When I read humor over and over again or I see mean remarks being made to christians I think that a portion of this is being used as a way to deal with emotional pain in other areas of your real life. How can you tell me this is not true at all? Please prove to me this is not true 100 percent. I need proof.

Do not just give me an opinion.
Do not respond with more humor.

Just prove to me 100 percent that non-believers are not using humor as a crutch for emotional pain that they are having in their lives.
kiki - this is not a scientific question I am just asking for 100 percent proof that non-believers are not using humor as a crutch for emotional pain in their lives.... surely you can prove that right? simple.
RA - that is just your opinion of your life. That would be a single case example surely you or your other non-believers can prove what I am saying to be false?
WOW - I am becoming really smart now laughing equals evidence. Hmmm I laugh and that is proof.... great. I know how to prove things now. Laughter.
Christy - I never used the word ALL right? I just said a portion. All I am asking for is for proof that what I am saying does not happen a PORTION of the time. It is really easy for you to prove things. I am just a illogical christian.
Pam - come on you can prove anything and everything you are a nonbeliever. I am just a silly christian I am the one that is supposed to not prove things.
Solly - take your word for it? Ok great... But but but but... can christians use that as poof for you too now? Just go ahead and take my word for it?
Solly - take your word for it? Ok great... But but but but... can christians use that as poof for you too now? Just go ahead and take my word for it?
Siren - you are happier now and that is proof? but but but but... when I have said that other big bad nonbelievers have said ignorance is bliss to me.... So how do I respond to that?
Reverend - insisting on evidence... errr ummm ummm thats what I am doing now... but I am getting stumped here I just need absolute proof on this one little thing and all I am getting is christian like reponces.... (take my word for it, dodging the question, laughter etc)
Soulest - Sounds like I hit a nerve? I did not mean to come across that way. The way I presented the question hurt your feelings? Not my intent.
Pam - "Nobody can prove anything about his or her inner emotions - not with words. " ---- but, but, but... non-believers are always asking me to prove the unprovable. ..... (I agree with you though).... you are likely one of the nice non-believers.
Anzen - if you make a good point -- well you make a good point. You can not prove this is not happening at all. It is difficult to prove... (maybe impossible)... I see it as a possible explination that people do not believe because of negative experiences.... but I do not subscribe to the idea that it is always the case....
Gambit - do I have a sence of humor? ummmm read more of my posts.

Some non-believers are my favorite posters in this forum..... But a PORTION of them seem to POSSIBLY be using it as a crutch.
Jabber - remember I am just an ignorant little christian here - I do not know standard diviations from random sampling.... or corellations from a placebo study or ...... well I do know and use those but you know them much better I am sure.... Just come up with something that works as proof.
Queen of yack - "Hmm am I being psychoanalyzed over the net? Seriously?
I can not prove this 100%. Prove to me you are not massively generalizing."

I am just saying a portion. I am not saying all. If I were generalizing I would say a majority etc. I did not because if I said a majority I would have to prove things... I need help from masters of proof... the nonbelievers. I was asking for help from nonbelievers to clear this up with something beyond single case studies of their own emotions. Remember I am just the completely illogical christian.... that needs the salvation of nonbeliever proof.
I owe you nothing, especially when you demand it so arrogantly. I don't care what you think.
They will deny this to the death, and yet what you are saying is so obvious every time they open their mouths (or type on their keyboards I should say), that I can't believe they don't realize...the ENTIRE world can see right through them!

Atheists - you are never going to overcome your pain through ridicule and mean-spiritedness! Try LOVE!
Yeah, you keep on believing that our arguments against silly religions are based on some kind of personal lack

Meanwhile, I'll get on with my happy and fulfilled life

(no "emotional pains" here, buddy!)

Here's the "proof" - I'm much happier now than when I was a christian.

How about you "prove 100%" that your victim mentality and aggression towards atheists isn't a direct correlation to YOUR emotional pain?
Can YOU prove 100% that you didn't ask this question because of some "emotional pain" of your own? Do you really think something like this can be proven? By all means, do prove it. I can't wait to see how you do it.
Sorry, but Christians and other inane religious people are the only ones that cause me emotional pain.
We obviously can't prove to you that we aren't in emotional pain, and are thus not using it to fuel our arguments.

However, if you remove the very faulty premise you've constructed, you might understand that many arguments are formed around sound, rational logic that is neither inflammatory nor emotionally fueled. Just because you disagree with an argument does not mean that you're allowed to make wild assumptions about the person making it.


Then again, when you consider the sexual molestation of young boys by priests, people dying in witch hunts, children allowed to die because their parents prayed rather than take them to the doctor, 9 year old girls being excommunicated after doctors performed an abortion to save her life, drownings caused by baptisms, etc, etc, etc....

Why aren't you in emotional pain, too? Why aren't you angry?

"come on you can prove anything and everything you are a nonbeliever."

That's absolutely not true. Nobody can prove anything about his or her inner emotions - not with words. Not everything in the world can be proven. Anyone who says otherwise is fooling themselves. You obviously have the false assumption that atheists believe they can prove anything. We don't. We can't. I doubt most of us would even claim that we can.
Some "Christians" on these pages deserve everything they get for ignorance, arrogance and lying.

Look at one of the answers to Gerome W's question posted just before yours.

I quote "Follows Jesus"

"there is no evidence at all on how old the earth is or anything to test to come up with that age".

That is not a mistake, it is not wrong, it is a flat lie.
I don't know - how do christians know that they aren't using religion as a crutch to escape the realities of this life?
I have a great life, good job (which i enjoy), family, friends, a bit of cash, a nice place, I am happy and enjoy life.

Were you the butt of a joke or something.
"I think that a portion of this is being used as a way to deal with emotional pain in other areas of your real life"

Yes, Christians often spout crap like that.

"Just prove to me 100 percent that non-believers are not using humor as a crutch for emotional pain that they are having in their lives."

No buddy, you assert this is true, you prove it. See how your sentence starts? "I think". Okay? Okay. Bye now.
"...I think that a portion of this is being used as a way to deal with emotional pain in other areas of your real life.."

Think what you like.


"..Just prove to me 100 percent that non-believers are not using humor as a crutch for emotional pain that they are having in their lives..."

Prove anything 100%
"Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions. Ideas must be distinct before reason can act upon them....."
-- Thomas Jefferson, letter to Francis Adrian Van der Kemp July 30, 1816.
See, THAT is the kind of ignorance I hate. I'm a joker at heart. I make light-hearted jokes at others' expenses. So, naturally, Christians sometimes happen to get caught in the crossfire. When I make a valid point in my joking, I get the generic response. "You must have had some bad experiences to drive you from God." Not every non-believer was "driven" away from God. Some just don't understand or see the point in it. There is no way to prove that 100% of non believers are the same way as me, but there is no proof that we all are. Sometimes we just enjoy a good joke. That doesn't mean we're emotionally scarred.
This is possibly the silliest question I have ever seen.

Well done.

EDIT: You really don't get the idiocy of your question, do you. How on earth do you honestly expect anyone to prove their state of mind to you - let alone over the internet?

It's hardly clever to insist on evidence that it's impossible to give (not unlike the insistence on evidence that God is not real).

You're a moron.
First I'd proof that atheists are allegedly "Christian bashers."

Personally, my frustration with (many) Christians, particularly the fundamentalist right, stems from their willful ignorance and bigotry. Their attempts to prevent an entire class of American citizens (homosexuals) from receiving equal rights is one example. Their continued attempts to legislate their beliefs into our secular government is another. If this is the "pain" you are referring to, then yes, I am pained by having your beliefs shoved down my throat at every turn.
Well, I see no difference from using humour in R&S and using it elsewhere, satirical or otherwise. This is normally called "having a sense of humour", so your question essentially asks us to prove that "having a sense of humour" is NOT a way of dealing with emotional pain.

Hmm... what sort of proof are you looking for? As a result of what sort of testing or measurement? How can the cause of a sense of humour be measured?

<<Just come up with something that works as proof>>

OK, I do come from a science background, where we accept that nothing can be proven 100%, as there may always be new information around the corner. It works by people coming up with ideas or theories, and using observed evidence to test the theories. Whatever is established understanding at one time may still be overturned later if such evidence appears.

A sense of humour is very much to do with human psychology, and that is a very inexact science. At the risk of flak, I might argue it's not even science at all (yeah, so flame me, ya psychs!). I certainly don't believe that anything can be proven 100% in psychology any more than elsewhere, so you are asking the impossible.

I can't speak for others' sense of humour, only my own. I find my normal everyday interactions with others involves frequent utterances of humour and wisecracks, very much including satire and hyperbole. This is not me in a sea of different others, this describes the society I am part of. If I extend this behaviour to R&S, it doesn't suddenly acquire a new reason of personal angst. It's just me being the same as usual.

I do try and keep it serious for sensible answers, but I have no qualms of using ridicule and satire if I am tackling something I find as daft or deluded. I would expect the same back. When I bash here, I'm not bashing a person - only an idea. I'm not trying to get at their inner psyche, I'm showing how daft, ridiculous, illogical or just plain wrong their idea is. I certainly don't limit this to religious belief, but in R&S that's what it's usually about, surprise surprise!

So, I've tried to avoid humour here and limit opinion to the minimum, but I can't give you what you ask as it's impossible, and feel very sure that your presumption isn't correct.
Do you have sense of humor?

Why is it that you think if someone is being humorous it automatically means they are "bashing" something? Could be they are just pointing out how silly something is.

There's lots of things in life that are silly, and yet we all still do them. That's why the most successful stand up comics make fun of everyday things. They are cleaver enough to see how silly some traditions and behaivors really are.

I don't get angry when most comics point out some of the silly things women do. Nor do I think they are women bashers.

I think you just need to take a deep breath, and lighten up!

"Don't take life too seriously. You won't get out of it alive." Elbert Hubbard