Nutrition facts of a coconut?


New member
Aug 24, 2008
Earlier today i was having a coconut, and i remebered someone once told me that coconuts were some how bad for you. Is this true? I dont think they are, but im just curious. I also heard the same thing about avacadoes and that they are bad for your heart. Has anyone else ever heard this before?
i have no clue about if coconut is good for you but i would reckon it would be and avacadoes are good for you and your heart some people use it as butter on toast instead of butter cause butter is bad for your heart
i have no clue about if coconut is good for you but i would reckon it would be and avacadoes are good for you and your heart some people use it as butter on toast instead of butter cause butter is bad for your heart
i have no clue about if coconut is good for you but i would reckon it would be and avacadoes are good for you and your heart some people use it as butter on toast instead of butter cause butter is bad for your heart
i have no clue about if coconut is good for you but i would reckon it would be and avacadoes are good for you and your heart some people use it as butter on toast instead of butter cause butter is bad for your heart