Oh Knoes!! Machete Suspekt!

May 18, 2008
Police ID machete suspect still at large

[email protected]

Published: November 28, 2007
Last Modified: November 28, 2007 at 12:04 PM

A broad manhunt continues in South Anchorage as police with dogs and shotguns extend their search for an armed suspect in a machete attack on two people.

Police identified the fugitive as Leland Walker Chasteen and described him as white, 6 feet tall, weighing 185 pounds, with blond hair, blue eyes and many facial piercings. He was reportedly wearing a reddish trench coat when last seen.

Police say the victims were the Chasteen's father and the father's roommate. The attack took place at a unit in a large apartment complex in the 2000 block of West 80th Avenue.

Chasteen does not live at the apartment, police said, but spent the night there and was scheduled to report today to a residential program for psychiatric treatment.

The two victims were badly hurt but their injuries are not believed to be life-threatening, said Anchorage police Sgt. Robert Glen.

Police received a call about the attack just before 8 a.m. Chasteen ran from an upstairs apartment after the attack, Glen said.

Chasteen is believed to still be carrying the machete, police said, and possibly a handgun missing from the apartment.

Broad smears of blood could be seen on the balcony railing of the apartment where the attack occurred. Neighbors say one of the victims escaped by jumping to the balcony below.

Both victims have been taken to hospital. "They're not life-threatening (wounds) although they were both seriously injured," Glen said.

The incident erupted about the time neighborhood children were headed for school and to catch school buses -- too late for the school district to call families and tell them to keep kids home. Gladys Wood Elementary was locked down and other schools in the area went into emergency "stay put" status, said school district spokeswoman Michelle Egan. Extra school buses were sent to cruise the neighborhood and pick up any children on the streets, Egan said.

The stay-put status was relaxed at schools as the manhunt moved out of the neighborhood, according to a district press release


This is right by my house!
oh knoes!! i want my 2min back..

i hope he comes and machete's you in the balls..
well from the point of opening it reading it looking at the picture typing what i typed hitting submit reply..

yeah took about 2min.