OHAI! is anyone here interested in pwaising yo masta Ceiling Cat (PBUH)?


Mar 3, 2008
If so, say dis prayer with me! You can be saved from life with the Basement Cat if you just praise the One who loves you so much and has blessed you with much nomz!

Teh Ceiling Cat of us, whu haz cheezeburger, yu be spechul
Yu ordered cheezburgerz,
Wut yu want, yu gets, srsly.
In ceiling and on teh flor.
Giv us dis day our dalee cheezburger
And furgiv us for makin yu a cookie, but eateding it.
And we furgiv kittehs who be steelin our bukkits.
An do not let us leed into teh showa, but deliver us from teh wawter.
Ceiling Cat pwns all. He pwns teh ceiling and teh floor and walls too.
Forevur and evuhr. Amen.