Ok i got an email from someone saying they are a manager in a bank?


New member
Oct 16, 2008
The thing is if this is a real email and the guy exists then what he suggests could be illgal and he is up to something that could endanger the bank in question. So should i forward his email to the Financial regulator? So nice of him giving me his hotmail really must say. If i do give the details to the bank will they think i am a hero and give me a nice big reward. Oh i hope so.

I know it could be a scam email. I know i should just mark it as spam and all but hold on this guy says his a bank manager and this idea of his could be of benefit for me and him. I think it should be reported to someone not just marked as spam. So should i just send the email to the financial regulator , the bank of England since it is a British bank. Just all this financial crisis has me thinking that all bankers or Crooks.

so should it be just marked spam or forwarded to some other body to investigate?
Ignore It And Contact Your Bank To Let Them Know. No Bank Would Ever Email You Asking For Bank Details Or Any Other Information For That Matter.
Sorry it's probably just spam. I hear from the British High Commissioners all the time, mainly from Nigeria and as of yet i have refused to even open this mail because basically all it is is a ruse to part you from your hard earned money. Unfortunately some people think they can get something for nothing, give out the info and lo and behold, they're left with nothing!