olympic champions


New member
Apr 9, 2008
anyone had any olympic champions train with them or taught them. If so what did they teach you and did you learn anything that has helped you or caught your interest? Neil Adams olympic gold Judo champion came and taught us although he taught techniques that we already knew he taught them in different and in some cases more effective ways. These ways proved more effective in compettition style fighting and have helped alot.
I've trained with Neil Adams as well, i didnt enjoy the seminar at all, he gave the impression that he didnt wanna be there, and was going through the motions and the stuff that he taught was nothing new really and had none of the emphasis that i was looking for, i.e. street, even though he was presenting some of the techniques in that way.

On the other hand i've trained wiht Marco Ruas and Erik Paulson, both champions, but obvuiosly not olympic!! I thought both were awesome, the preciseness of the technique and the breadth of knowledge, particularly paulson was phenomenal. And the added bonus of one Paulson seminar was watching Yoda attempting to do a cartwheel it rivaled the dead parrot sketch and the whole of Phoenix Nights
No Olympic champs, but I did train with a guy who said he trained for the olympics. I didn't watch TKD this year (I didn't even know I missed it!), so I don't even know. He DOES however go to all the national and even world TKD tourneys, and he's got a bunch of medals from them. He's the one who started teaching me TKD from scratch, so almost everything I know is from him. His name is Brandon Rivera. Maybe some of you TKD guys have seen him or something?

Adams didn't get gold in the Olympics. He got 2 silvers.

He got gold, silver and bronze in the world championships.
sorry world championships I got told he got it in the Olympics aswell but obviously I was told wrong.
yea, when neil adams came to our club, the stuff he had us do was...above basic....but it was a good lesson. he wasn't being paid to teach us, he did it as a favour to our sensei. which was nice of him.

i got a signed picture of him and me in a clinch.........seconds after it was taken i threw him in yama-arashi and choked him out.....honest

royce gracey went eire a couple of years ago, i was trying to get tickets as he is one of my heroes, but the lads i was meant to go with pulled out