On the issue of abortion, liberals argue that women have the right to control...


New member
Jan 21, 2011
...their own body but? if that's true why didn't these women exercise that right before they got pregnant?
The whole "my body, my choice" thing is not well thought out. After all, EVERY national government in the world asserts the rights to men's bodies and lives for the sake of the protection of others of the nation. Every nation on earth.

There is no "my body, my choice" for men.
Most women don't "choose" to get pregnant. Birth control and contraception sometimes fail. Sometimes in the heat of the moment people make mistakes and forget to even use protection. Sometimes condoms break. Sometimes women are raped.

There are a lot of variables and saying things like a woman should be forced to carry her baby to term if she becomes pregnant because it's her fault, is very ignorant. Women have the right to terminate a pregnancy, because they're the ones whose lives will be completely turned upside down by it. Why should a woman who is not ready to become a mother have to give up her life and her dreams to have a baby before she wants to? Men don't have to deal with that, because it's easy for them to walk away - therefore it's easy for them to judge.
Maybe some of them actually want to be single mommys, you know so they can get free countless rides in life.
sex was their exercise...........
jk well i think the woman should choose it only if its safe and early enough....
no exercise dont mean u dont control ur own body......
The ONLY time abortion is appropriate is:

a) Rape
b) If giving birth will harm/kill the mother

...NOT because the mom's a whore.
People who say that are beings hypocrites. I personally believe that if a women wants to get an abortion and is able to live with her choice then so be it. I, myself, could not go through with it, and I would feel terribly guilty. But agreeing with the people above me, sometimes a women gets pregnant and it is out of her control. I think that the only real excuse for this would be rape because the sex was completely without consent. When having sex with another man a women should be fully prepared for the possibility that the condom could break or that her contraceptives could fail. Getting an abortion is usually just taking the easy way out and not accepting responsibility for ones actions.
well as a 75 kg woman, i couldnt defend myself if a 90kg+ man wanted to have his way with me and rape me. i cant really control if my egg is going to get fertilised then.

and even though i am on the pill, and make the guy wear a condom when i have sex, there is still a 0.01% of it failing.

im exercising my right, however, things do happen.

would you stop driving because there is a miniscule chance that your airbags or seatbelt wont work if you get in an accident and kill you?
Birth control fails,
rape happens,
and some people are just plain irresonsible.

None of those negate a woman's ownership of her physical person.