One nostril runny...the other plugged?


New member
Mar 20, 2008
I stayed home from school today with a soar throat and headache. Now though, I have a terribly stuffy/runny nose. One side is runny, and one side is plugged. Because I can't breathe through my nose due to the plugged nostril, the runny one just flows and I can't feel it. I took a hot bath and steamed my nose. Plugging the runny nostril and clearing the plugged one. I did this about 20 times...still however, a few minutes later one is still plugged and one is still runny. I have to go to school tomorrow, I have tests. Aside from blowing my nose, or steaming it what can I do to relieve my runny/stuffy nose. How should I sleep? On my side? Stomach? Raised up a bit?