One of traps on Venus Fly Trap turning brown?


Jun 2, 2008
Well...I feed my Fly Trap 1 every week (3 x a month), pretty normal, but this trap was the first one I fed. This trap closed differently then the other two, and the other two aren't having any problems at all. Should I just snip off the one turning brown, seems like thats all I can pretty much do? (If I do have to snip it off, is there like a good part to snip off? I hear that a bigger one is supposed to grow in its place or something, n I also know that it'll cause disease if I don't snip it off, dunno what to do.)
I have found a video link which demonstrates how to prune a Venus Fly Trap.
In short - prune it by cutting off the old brown trap as close to the base of the plant as posible.
I think you should snip it off, the brown color is probably because it is dying. in the source the last tip on that page tell you, you should snip it off