Operation Christmas Child


New member
Apr 10, 2008
Anyone taking part this year?

For those who don't know what Operation Christmas Child I'll tell you;

Basically what it is, is that you fill up a shoe box full of toys, lollies, clothes, personal hygiene stuff etc. and then you send it off to one of the depot stations and then from there they send of to one of the poor countries around the world for an example; Africa, Iraq, South America, China, Russia etc. Places like that. Poor children living in underground sewers and cardboard boxes etc. receive the shoe boxes on Christmas day. Why not spread a bit more joy around this Christmas?
I think that a lot of people should get involved in this.

Yes it is a Christian organization but why should that stop anyone?

Heres a bit more info if you are interested;


Well I'm taking part this year, I've been doing it for the last past three years in a row now.
Ask me closer to Christmas. I have too much spending to do for Uni without having to think about Christmas already.
I dont do Christmas child. I think too much is spent facilitating it, and there are poor children in my own country who need help.

So I do a collection in work of the same kinds of things, toys etc etc, and deliver them to the local childrens charity who deliver them to the kids in the area. I alternate this with collections of items for the main kids ward in the hospital in the city, the same one that saved my daughters life twice.

It does annoy me that some people in work complain about my collections, but thankfully the managers actually have a beating heart and ignore the complaints.
I'm not forcing anyone to do it, I'm just saying for anyone who dosn't really do much around Christmas time like myself should maybe give it a go.