Orioles livid after Blue Jays fan throws beer at left fielder


Jun 17, 2007
One Toronto Blue Jays fan*might spend the night in a jail cell. During the seventh inning of Tuesday’s American League wild card game, a fan threw a can of beer at Baltimore Orioles outfielder Hyun Soo Kim as he was attempting to make an inning-ending catch in left field.
The can missed Kim by a few feet, and he was able to make the play and end the inning. After making the play, Kim looked over to his left to see what flew by his head as he made the catch.
Adam Jones is furious for good reason https://t.co/C0vKlGaUBA
— Matt Clapp (@TheBlogfines) October 5, 2016
Center fielder Adam Jones was not as calm about the whole situation. Jones immediately started yelling at the opposing fans, and gestured toward the umpire to make sure the fan in question was ejected from the contest.
A fan threw a beer bottle at Orioles outfielder Hyun Soo Kim during Tuesday’s AL wild-card game. (Getty Images/Alex Trautwig) That caused manager Buck Showalter to come out of the dugout and discuss the incident with the umpires.
Buck Showalter is standing in left field in conversation with three umpires. Obviously, and rightfully, not happy after that. #WildCard
— Israel Fehr (@israelfehr) October 5, 2016
Following the contest, Jones told reporters the incident was “as pathetic as it gets between the lines.”
Jones on the beer: “First and foremost that’s about as pathetic as it gets between the lines.”
— Brittany Ghiroli (@Britt_Ghiroli) October 5, 2016
He added that he hopes charges are pressed against that fan.
Jones hopes charges are pressed.”To put us in harm’s way when all we are doing is focusing on baseball, that’s just not part of the game.”
— Brittany Ghiroli (@Britt_Ghiroli) October 5, 2016
This is not the first time Blue Jays fans have been involved in this type of incident. Toronto fans came under fire last postseason after throwing garbage on the field after a controversial run scored in Game 5 of the ALDS.
Blue Jays fans were also involved in an eerily similar incident including a beer can and an Orioles outfielder back in 2013.
This is not the first time a Blue Jays fan has thrown a beer at an Orioles outfielder. From 2013 … pic.twitter.com/GqUQXbAehX
— Jeff Passan (@JeffPassan) October 5, 2016
Kim wasn’t hit by the beer or injured, but it was still an awful moment. The actions of one terrible fan shouldn’t reflect an entire fanbase, but we’re still wondering if it’s too late to update our postseason fanbase rankings?
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Chris Cwik is a writer for Big League Stew on Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email him at [email protected] or follow him on Twitter! Follow @Chris_Cwik