Other than MA what sport type things do you do?

I also like the mountain bike. Now it's paid for it is a great addition to any exercise regime. It does not turn up late, it does not ring up and say 'I can't make it tonight'. Just always ready to go.
Nothing specific at the mo, but usually rugby. And I've started running if you can count that.

I will be taking up snowboarding when I can afford it. So many years to go yet
I think that Martial Arts and all kinds of dance go together. Basically martial arts to me is expression of the body with the goal being self-defense or physical combat.

As far as other sports go I LOVE Basketball.
I bike occasionally, nothing more than point a to point b.
Used to do it a lot more, but time constraints have left me usingmy truck more and more.
I've started running, and used to play some baseball, basketball, and soccer.
Carrying firearm, hiking from lake to lake, live on fishing, disapear in the national forest for 2 months is what I like to do besides MA training.
Mountain biking when I can be bothered (the bike hasn't been out this year), planning on hitting Hamsterly, Dalby and 7stanes this year now I have my car. Also do a bit of fishing (yes, it is a sport) when I can get out.
I like different kinds of strength sports. Powerlifting and a bit of strongman mostly, but I just became friends with a guy who trains Highland Games and I would love to try those out.
For years it was the three way split between climbing, mountaineering and surfing. Now each of those gets less and less as I live in a city. That's got to change. Hong Kong's lifestyle isn't really conducive to any of those.

I do a lot of functional strength circuits as it's what I run many of my clients through. Many of my clients have come from a pro sports or college sports background so they want something more than they get at a fitness gym. So I try to get them to train outdoors as much as possible. Nice for them and for me.

I like trail running and any sort of scrambling along coastlines. Playing with the idea of doing some adventure racing this year.
Tennis, beach swimming/surfing (depends of the swell), formerly Aussie Rules and Rugby League but dont think I will take either up this year. Thinking about buying a kayak or sufski (ironman style).