Packing For Miami Trip?



Any suggestions on what to pack for a week long trip to Miami in April?
Shorts? Jeans?
What's the weather like at the moment?
shorts, tanktops, flipflops bathing suit, sunblock and maybe a really light sweatshirt.
shorts and jeans

short for the day time and jeans for the night

tank tops and cute shirts that you can match a sweater with if it gets cold at night

it really depends on what you're doing in miami
mainly shorts but always have a couple pairs of jeans for a cool breezy night.
well it is miami babayy. its probably gonna be hawt there. id vote for half shorts and jeans. you never know, cali have been having weird weather. dont forget to pack something entertaining if something is boring over there :) have fun~!
Lots of condoms and asprin.
Weather will be perfect, plan to dress
up big time if you want to go clubbing
in south beach. Id pack 2 pairs of jeans but
its not likely you will need them.

As of this moment its 75 in Miami
The weather is floating around the mid to high 80s.

Florida is always very humid so watch out for that. And your clothing pretty much depends on how you think you'll adapt to the weather... are you used to humid? are you coming from snow? Whatnot...