Paintball FTMFW

Lets TRY and not get this thread closed because it became a VS thread. Some ppl like Ions some like Minis. Its all personal preference.
No, this thread is going to be closed because it sucks more cock than I do.

wait, what?:ugh:
so a blow gun would be a firearm? to an extent its the same principal using c02(air breathed out) to propel a projectile. Even tho in my case its compressed air/ihav.nets
Yeah, but that had the foreshadowing of many users coming on here saying Ions are noob guns and blah blah know how it eventually ends up when the word Ion is brought up.
A blowgun is a firearm. Don't care what the means of propulsion is, as long as something gets launched out of something, it's a firearm.