Palestenian-Israeli Conflict

show me some concrete numbers that, *the majority of terrorist events that have resulted in significant deaths have involved muslims.*

i am not sure what you want the average muslim living a day to day life to do about terrorists. they are too busy working their jobs, taking care of their kids etc just like everyone else out there.

did you keep scrolling down and see that almost as many ira related groups are on it as there are muslim groups?
The point is that the IRA are limited in their operations to one part of the globe... hence they don't "span the globe"

Edit: On top of which, when was the last time the IRA tried to blow anyone up?
spanning the globe is not the issue the issue is that he was saying *most* terrorist groups out there are islamic in nature that is not true.
*proved wrong*

No, he was saying that Islamic Terrorism spans the globe, which you clearly understood judging by your response.
he made two points above one was thai islamic terrism spans the globe. it does not, it for instance is there islamic terrorism a problem in japan, or in brazil? no not that we know of.. it IS a problem but not a global problem.

he also said above that all terrorism that is being carried out is being carried out by muslims groups which is what i posted the link to the wiki for to show that there are many many other groups also using terrorism as a tool.

islamic groups certainly are a problem but i just don't think we need too make it sound like they are the only group out there killing people.
You've got to be kidding right? There are a LOT of countries all over the planet that have suffered Islamic Terror attacks in recent years. You're saying it's not a "Global" problem because Brazil and Japan haven't been attacked? That's just weird.

You'll have to point out where he said that. I only read "Only Islamic Terrorism spans the globe" which you then neatly proved with your link.
Why is it that in the Palestinian/Israeli conflict, everyone always wants to talk about America's support of Israeli? Why doesn't anyone talk about the billions of dollars Saudi Arabia funneled to Palestinian terrorists? Why does no one talk about the terrorist training camps paid for and operated by Syria for the purpose of training Palestinian terrorists? Why does no one talk about the money Saddam Hussein gave to families of Homicide bombers as well as other funding for weapons and explosives sent directly to Hamas? For there to be peace, America has to stop being so "one-sided" in their relations, or so the popular theory goes. How about everyone stop being so one-sided? When Syria, Saudi Arabia, UAE, and the rest of the Arab league quit being so one-sided and start funneling some of their terror funds to the victims of Palestinian terrorists instead of the perpetrators, then I'll call my Congressman to voice my support of scaling back aid to Israel. Fair enough?
come on medi you understand the way examples work. there are a lot more countries than japan and brazil that have not had problems with islamic terrorism.
Stop using facts! It confuses them.

The US helps Muslims all over the world. But extremists and people who dislike the US overlook that to tell how bad we treat Muslims.
Well according to the National Counterterrorism Center, 57% of terrorist related deaths are the result of Muslim terrorist groups. Does that work for you? Check the article in Wikipedia on Islamic extremist terrorist organizations. But the number is available elsewhere.

I don't expect every Muslim to take action. But how much do you see or hear about their leaders saying that this is wrong? The only time you hear it is when something big happens. But do they really believe it? A majority of Palestinians voted for Hamas, which everyone knows is a terrorist organization.

When you hear that the kkk is going to hold a rally, every major organization comes out against them. That is what I would expect of the Muslim community. Certainly, they will not stop every extremist and no one things that they have all of the extremists in their community.

And did you notice how often disbanded was used in that article and how few times it was used about Muslim groups?
I don't remeber the IRA attacking the US. Was the IRA in NY? No. Did the IRA attack or try to attack Canada, Spain, Italy, Denmark, Tanzania, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Indonesia, Turkey, Greece or Australia? No.
i just had to reply to this one, the only form of terrorism that spans the globe is not Islamic, in fact the terms Islamic and Terrorism contradict each other.

one could just as easlily say that it is Christian Terrorism thats Spans the Globe, fanatical Christian State Terrorists who are prepared to use Nuclear and Chemical Weapons in order to terrorise and oppress on a global scale.
That is true, but unfortunately there are groups and inividuals who have carried out terrorist acts and claimed to be doing so in the name of Islam.

Obviously this makes no more sense than carrying out a terrorist act and claiming to be doing so in the name of Christianity, or Sikhism, or Flying Spaghetti Monster-ism; but the fact is that if you state that that is your reason for doing something then that is how you will be labelled: people will take you at your word.

Even though the London bombers (for example) are no more representative of the majority of British Moslems than the KKK are representative of American Christians, since their motivation was that they claimed to be acting in the name of Islam, then I don't think it is unreasonable to label them as 'Islamic terrorists'.
Jesus Christ! Did I not make a post relating to this earlier? I'm pretty sure I did. The US makes many very generous contributions to many Muslim Countries, but by America openly supporting Israel/Invading Afghanistan/Invading Iraq/Posturing with Iran/Syria that is all that Muslims see. The aid contributions aren't done openly, they are invisible to those on the ground. That is why muslims are flocking to extremist Mosques, the US needs to do more to improve its Public Image, cos at the moment it sucks worse than Tom Cruises.
I don't know what list your looking at but when I looked...

There are 3 splinter groups of the IRA which have still not called a ceasefire... but they also haven't done anything in a number of years and to be honest I'd say its rather unlikely they are going to do anything. The splinter groups also tend to have very little members being splinter groups.

The unionist groups (which oppose the IRA) still active number 5 and again all they have done recently has been to attack each other. And their is increasing pressure on such groups to disband.

Compared to this the list of Muslim terrorist organisations numbers 33 still functioning groups several of which are claimed to have a worldwide network.

How is 3 (Or 8 if were being generous) 'almost as many' as 33?
Would you not agree, that the lesson you have just given in the reality of what it means to be a moslem, is one that sorely needs to be hammered home by the Imams in the UK and elsewhere? As social leaders these people are probably more directly influential than their equivalents in any other contempory religious group.

Why is it they are unable to fight the lessons that extremist groups that are clearly, and often very publicly, teaching in the name of their very twisted version of Islam in order to recruit to their cause?

Surely the Moslem community at large is aware of when such people are publicly preaching violence on a regular basis? How is it that a cleric such as Abu Hamza was able to continue speaking at Finsbury Park for so long?
I would argue that Muslim Leaders in the UK have been very proactive in condemning terrorism. I dont know where the idea that they are condoning these acts through their inaction comes from, but I have regularly seen senior British Muslims condemning the use of violence in the name of Islam.