Parents & Children

Apr 17, 2009
Bwaahahaa - just saw this on another forum and cracked up - I hope the MAP censor does a good job. What is it with some parents? You used to need a license to own a DOG here but any stupid idiot can be a parent LOL!


My boy wanted to go to McDonald’s near my house because they have giant playground and Nintendo Game Stations. After 15 minutes I wanted to blow my ****ing brains out.

McDonald’s playground is the pit of hell. Where Satan sends his demons to study aggravating behavior so that he can psychologically torture people. No doubt Hell is a better place. If there is a Hellraiser 5, they can film it at McDonald’s playground with Ronald McDonald as Pinhead.

The little kids there were ****ing demons. I saw a little girl kicking her grandpa over and over in the head because he was trying to tie her shoe. While another ****ing little Damien Boy wouldn’t let anybody else play the game while his lard-ass Dad chased him around the Nintendo Game Station trying to give him a spanking – he never could catch him the fat ****.

The ****ing parents were no better. Parents don’t ****ing care man. They let their kids take barbecue sauce on the slide so that the whole ****ing slide can be covered with sauce. Parents take their kids to McDonald’s and let them run free like wild pig demons that they are. ****ing demon children from the pit of Hades with leathery wings and ****.

The yelling and screaming drove me ****ing insane. 30 minutes more and I would have put on my hockey mask and grabbed my machete. On the 10 o’clock news you would have heard, “Southland man snaps in local McDonalds hacking up the entire place.”


Parents & Children

..... and on a similar theme - does anyone have a problem yelling at someone elses kid if the parent is failing miserably to control the little darling? My Wife does it all the time - being a school teacher she has a certain "tone" that they immediately recognise. Hell - she scares ME with it sometimes!

LOL! One time we were shopping at ASDA and some little git about 6 yrs old was messing with the fresh fruit while his Dad who had his back to us was just staring into space while his wife shopped. My wife told the kid off and the parent turned round and started having a go at my missus for telling off his kid. Then an amazing thing happened - he visibly shrank and cowered as he recognised her as HIS teacher from about 12 years previous - LOL! He just went red, mumbled and shuffled off with his kid in tow - LOL!
Parents & Children

A parents, I really can't stand them. I work in a computer games shop, which is a big hit with young kids. What i can't stand is that if there are kids crying, infact not not crying, screaming, the parents don't do anything about it. It drives me nutts. I know that the kids are just looking for attention, but is that such a bad thing.

kids are products of their upbringing, and when one constantly acts up outside then its up to the parents to stop it, or it will continue and they will never be able to stop them. Licences to parent sounds like a good idea.
Parents & Children

The first post was good, YODA, but the second one was GOLD! That must have been a priceless moment to see!
Parents & Children

What i can't stand is that if there are kids crying, infact not not crying, screaming, the parents don't do anything about it. It drives me nutts.
ahhh... indian method of bringing up children with a stick is better way to deal
forget me or my bro, even children from my unc's n aunt can't throw their tantrums when my parents are there ...
well none of my parents raise their voice... they just need to look into the eyes and it works ... works really well.
Parents & Children

As a father of a two year old, please tell me how it's done so I can get some sleep TKDwarrior.
Parents & Children

Thank goodness I have raised my older two kids better. And my wife seems to sees eye to eye with me on how to raise our daughter. My kids didn't carry on in public, they learned early that Daddy can always take them home and go back out by himself. They say "thank you" and "please" and "sir" and "ma'am". And I have no problem calling attention to insensitive little clods that go tearing thru stores, and just let Mom or Dad tell me I have no right to.... so far, it hasn't happened (I can look pretty intimidating, even if I can't spell it).
Parents & Children

My kids are very well behaved too for some reason. Maybe it's down to training in Daddies MA class
Parents & Children

... same here. My kids are 's ...

I know for the most part (from experience) that when young children throw tantrums it is because they are severely overtired, overstimulated, hungry or a combo of the 3!
Parents & Children

i think i can help stop making them do pyramid push ups ther not ready andy
Parents & Children

I'm never having kids.. then I don't have to deal with all the crap that comes with them

I've got a LOT of young cousins, and in my experience, they grow out of the crying and tantrums after a while. Then they start them again aged 13, and they're worse than the first time!
Parents & Children

I have to say my children are wonderful ........well behaved ..good manners, they both do martial arts. My eldest is a BB & the youngest is 4 belts away.

They have such different personalities though, my eldest boy is extremely sensible at 14 yrs, wants to be a teacher of history & wants to study psychology too - he has his plan.
Now my other boy mmm....should be a comedian(has us in fits of laughter), but he likes archiology and making rude noises which he finds hysterically funny, be 11 again?
Parents & Children

I work at a camp with kids ages 8-14, I have no problem disaplining kids that are not mine(I don't have any currently)
Hell I once told a kid to go sit in the corner when he was running around at the train stop hitting things with a stick and his mom was inside the nearby coffee shop getting a mocha something or other.
Parents & Children

I used to be a classroom assistant (forgot to mention that!) and I had a real problem with disciplining the kids. I don't have a problem actually doing it, I have a problem getting them to take any notice! They'd just ignore me and carry on eating the crayons or whatever!! It didn't help one little bit that 3 of my cousins where in the class, and my mother used to tell them they didn't really have to listen to me either!
Parents & Children

I'm too young to have children but I watch my neice and nephew alot and my 6 year old neice is very well behaved but my 8 year old nephew is a pain in the a$$, he thinks he can boss everyone around because he does "Tae Kwon Do". I have a dry erase board in my garage and I draw a dot on it slightly above his nose and make him stand on his toes with his nose against the dot for a few minutes, after about 2 he wines about his ankles and doesn't misbehave any more. Last time I did this I caught him erasing the dot and putting it lower. So now I just unplug the TV, during Dexters Laboratory. It seems to work pretty well.
Parents & Children

There is a certain tone that teachers have(Yoda must know )

Though not all teachers have it - remember those teachers at school that no-one took any notice of?..........