Pet fish. Traveling this summer for a wedding.Uhoh....?


Jul 14, 2008
Take a deep breath before you read. It can be a little confusing :)

I'm currently attending college in Oklahoma, but my mom lives in West Virginia. My dad lives in Arkansas. This summer, my sister is getting married in Florida.

I don't know what to do during the summer about my pet fish, Nadia. I want to take her with me, but I don't know how I would do that. How do you safely transport a pet fish? I'll be flying from Oklahoma to West Virginia, riding down in a motorhome to Florida, in a car from Florida to Arkansas and another flight from Arkansas to Oklahoma.

I don't have someone I can trust enough to leave Nadia with during the summer. What do I do?
I would definitely not take the fish with you. Most likely it would die from stress. Find someone willing to watch it. neighbor maybe or friend? good luck