Pizza anyone?

I cant claim responsiblity for that recipe. My Chef urges have never made me boil a frozen pizza, and then bake the soup.... (where is the throwing up smily)
Gee, I never would have thought of that..... ever.

So, how did it taste?

Now that I have seen that, sometime when I'm in a drunken state I will tell my wife "hey honey, let's have some pizza - I'll make it this new way I saw online!"

She'll no doubt be so happy I'm cooking, she won't ask how I made it - at least I hope not!
I grew up thinking pizza was meant to be cooked in a deep fat frier
At the age of 18 I first encountered oven baked pizza.

We do have good food in Glasgow but you have to hunt for it.
Well, to me, boiling up a pizza into some kind of gooey mess-like soup, then reforming it is just plain.....wrong. It all really culmiated in this picture:

You're trying to tell me that you would quite happily eat that?!?!
Any pizza that can be boiled into soup is something I'll just not eat. NK you mentioned the puking smily? That glop looks like a good industrial puke after a good night in the pubs.