Please can anyone give me any surrgestions on house breacking two shih tzus?


May 21, 2008
hi i have two shihtzus aged 2 im at my whits end they have there own room in the house there walked three times a day for a good 30 mins i also let them in the garden inbetween walks as soon as i bring them in they poop and wee all over the floor i really want too get this sorted ive had them since 8 weeks old and would love to let them roam the house. they used too but ive gone through four livingroom carpets and two bedroom ones in a matter of two years ive tried crating and the pads but they just rip them up please please can anyone help?
What you can do is crate them during the night and let them out in the morning and actually wait til they finish peeing or pooping. And if you see them peeing or pooping in the house spray them with a spray bottle and tell them "no" or "bad" what ever way you do it to let them know they've been bad and then either let them outside for a while or crate them for about 15 mins.

I finally potty trained my dog at almost 2 years. Thank god! Now my New room doesn't reek!