please help me in my biology quiz?


May 15, 2008
I need just double check to make sure all my answers are correct!
1.To be scientifically valid, a theory must:
A. agree with previous theories.
B. contradict previous theories.
C. be potentially falsifiable.
D. be potentially provable.
E. have a control group for comparison.
2.How are adjacent water molecules connected in a glass of water?
A. By the sharing of electrons between adjacent molecules.
B. By the sharing of electrons between the hydrogen of one water molecule and oxygen of another water molecule.
C. By the sharing of electrons between hydrogens of adjacent water molecules
D. <!--[endif]-->
By the electrical attraction between the partially charged hydrogen of one water molecule and the partially charged oxygen of another water molecule.
E. By the electrical attraction between the hydrogens of adjacent water molecules
3.Where does protein synthesis take place in a eukaryotic cell?
A. In the nucleus.
B. In the nucleolus.
C. On smooth endoplasmic reticulum.
D. On ribosomes.<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]-->
E. <!--[endif]-->In the Golgi apparatus
4.The process in which glucose is degraded all the way to carbon dioxide and water is called:
A. cellular respiration.
B. photosynthesis.
C. glycolysis.
D. calvin Cycle
E. oxidation/reductio
5.Where does cellular respiration take place in eukaryotes?
A. In mitochondria.
B. In chloroplasts.
C. It begins in the cytosol and then moves into mitochondria.
D. It begins in mitochondria and then moves to the cytosol.
E. <!--[endif]-->It occurs in both the cytosol and in mitochondria
6.Photosynthesis primarily functions to:

A. capture the energy to make organic molecules form carbon dioxide.
B. obtain the energy to make organic molecules from starches.
C. to create energy for living organisms.
D. all of the above.
7.The most important products of photosynthesis include:

A. sugar and carbon dioxide.
B. sugar and oxygen
C. sugar, oxygen and carbon dioxide.

D. oxygen and water

E. sugar and water
8.Osmosis means:
A. water will tend to flow through a membrane toward a higher concentration of salts.
B. water will tend to flow through a membrane toward a lower concentration of salts.
C. the salts will tend to move toward the side of a membrane with more water.
D. none of the above describes osmosis.
9.What do you think the best response from the authorities in your local community would be to the issue of DHMO?
A. Conduct further research because the evidence of threat is unclear?
B. Regulate or even ban DHMO, and educate the public as the evidence is clear there is a serious threat.
C. Ignore the issue--it is just a hoax.
D. Hold public hearings and base the decision on what to do on public opinion on DHMO.
10.If an animal cell that is normally found in fresh water is put in a solution with a higher concentration of solute (salt) than the concentration in the cytoplasm, it will most likely:
A. swell up and explode.
B. <!--[endif]-->spend so much energy to pump salt that it dies of exhaustion.
C. die from the toxic effects of the salt.
D. shrivel.
E. none of the above.
11.Which of the following is not a function of mitosis in humans?
A. Repair of wounds.
B. Growth.

C. Production of gametes from diploid cells.
D. Replacement of lost or damaged cells.
E. All of the above are functions of mitosis.
12.Meiosis is important for sexual reproduction because:
A. it creates haploid cells from diploid cells.
B. it creates embryos.
C. <!--[endif]-->it serves to create different daughter cells that will not compete with each other.
D. it creates cells that cannot become cancerous.
E. it allows chromosomes to duplicate effectively
13.Indicate which cellular process answers each question.
- A. B. C. Ribosomes are most directly involved in which process?
- A. B. C. DNA in the nucleus produces messenger RNA. This process is called:
- A. B. C. Transfer RNA is involved in which process?
- A. B. C. Before mitosis begins, which process must occur?
A. DNA replication
B. Transcription
C. Translation

14.Sickle cell disease is an autosomal recessive trait that leads to disability. The disease occurs in two forms called severe and mild. The severe form occurs in homozygotes while heterozygotes have the mild form. If someone’s father has the mild form, while their mother is normal, what are the odds this person will have the mild from of sickle cell disease?
A. 100%
B. 50%
C. 25%
D. 0%
E. Not enough information is given to tell.

15.Natural Selection does not require which of the following:
A. genetic variation in a population.

B. a reproductive advantage for some variations over others.
C. a need in the population for certain traits to come into existence to serve as adaptations to changing condit
15.Natural Selection does not require which of the following:
A. genetic variation in a population.

B. a reproductive advantage for some variations over others.
C. a need in the population for certain traits to come into existence to serve as adaptations to changing conditions.
D. an increase in the frequency of some traits over others over time.
E. natural selection actually requires all of the above.

16.Plants are different from most other organisms in that their life cycle has:
A. an extended haploid stage.
B. a diploid phase that is dominant.
C. a need for photosynthesis to provide energy for living.
D. two different adult phases, which alternate.
E. a rooted body, which means they do not move.