PLEASE HELP: This Girl Is So Nice That I Can't Even Tell If She's Interested?


Jun 2, 2008
I met this girl in my second year college class who is VERY cute and extremely nice. I'm really starting to like her, since I'm finding it harder and harder to come across a girl who is genuinely nice. The thing is, this girl is SO nice that's it's hard to tell if she's interested or if she's just really well mannered. When we were talking in class, she adjusted her body position fully facing me (most girls look at you but don't really adjust their body position towards you) and she made great eye contact. After class I decided to walk with her through campus to wherever she was going, and we talked the whole way. When it was time for us to part ways we said bye to each other and she turned around and gave me a big smile. But it's impossible to get a read on her because she's unlike ANY other girl I have ever met. What do I do? How can I get a read on this girl?