Please, help to choose 3 easy readable and interesting topics for presentation?


May 18, 2008
This is for subject Critical Issues in Humanities...But, please choose ones which are not too complicated and boring! Here are the topics:

King, Letter from Birmingham Jail
Cicero, The Defense of Injustice
Benedict, The Individual and the Pattern of Culture
Durkheim, Individualism and the Intellectuals
Du Bois, Of Our Spiritual Strivings
Smith, On the Natural Progress of Opulence
Marx, The Communist Manifesto
Carnegie, The Gospel of Wealth
Reich, Why the Rich are Getting Richer, and the Poor, Poorer
Plato, The Allegory of the Cave
Ramachandran, Neuroscience – the New Philosophy
Jung, The Personal and the Collective Unconscious
Bacon, The Four Idols
Darwin, Natural Selection
Fukuyama, Genetic Engineering
Pinker, Thinking machines
Popper, Science as Falsification
Levi-Strauss, Men, Woman, and Chiefs
Wollstonecraft, Of the pernicious effects…
Greer, Masculinity
Woolf, Shakespeare's Sister
Leopold, The Land Ethic
Singer and Mason, The Ethics of Eating Meat

Thanks in advance..
They're all interesting in their own way. I don't know about easy though.
I'd choose Durkheim, Marx and Pinker, but ymmv.