Please listen to me, im VENTING?...?


May 25, 2008
Im just so mad lately, down to not having parents to, living with a bipolor grandma whos overprotective and gets mad cause im not some stupid girly socialite popular girl -_- im not allowed to not wear makeup wen we go out, she gets mad i don't overdo my makeup and.makes me feel bad by saying" I wish I was taking you out, you look beautiful , oh when you go out with me you look like a dog but don't get mad" . Im in a long distance relationship for 3 years and now he has to do 5 more years where he's at ( kinda military thing he does) and he wants to be in an open relationship, he's an arrogant rich asshole but hes all i have and i care for him and I do everything for him and now that he's staying in the military for 5 more years ,things are differen,t I get sad and lonely when I see other people together, and what makes me more sad is i found someone who wants to be there for me and treat me like a queen and when he sees me he "sees me" not my body ...most guys want me for sex or eye candy anx this new guy doesnt...but hes 21 im 16( i turn 17 in july) hes my Best Friends bro, and ya thats the bad part :( i finally find someone and my friend doesnt really approve :( , i get so depressed easily and ive been thru alot, i hate school and im not that smart and i fail math all the time -_- it depresses me and i have no motivation, i wanna go into fashion school and be in buisness merchandise but im scared i wont make it, its very competitive in fashion world
Please dont comment on the bad spelling and punctuation, im on my fone in class, typing like a maniac
The age different is wat stops us :(
If your grandma treats you that way talk to her. dont yell, just discuss.
dont listen to what she says, its your life.
if hes making you upset break things off. hes a dick and dont stay with him just because you feel he's all you have.
dont worry about relationships, they're not worth it.
Try to study math, and if you still feel you are not good at it, you'll at least know you tried.
go for your best friends brother, he might like you. It's your life so go for what you want and dont let anything stop you.
School sucks but perservere. it will be worth it.
go for fashion, and try your best. You'll be happy in 20 years or so that you did. You could be great at it, but youll never know until you try.