Please name this movie....!!!?


May 29, 2008
I saw the trailer maybe in middle 2007. It was about a bachelor who was going to tie the knot with his fiancee. In the trailer, i remember someone clinking a champagne glass and declearing the wedding, i think it was the fiancee. but just before this guy gets married he meets a very beautifull chick who he spends time with and his friends tell him that they have lots in common and she seems very intrigued in him as well, something happens in a scene where he is laying on his bed thinking about this wonderfull girl and pondering if he should call of the wedding and the narrator of the movie says " what would happen if you had to make a choice that would impact your whole life, would you take a chance at destiny" or something like,, insinuating if he would leave his fiancee that he has known for a long time for someone he has known for like a month, but before the trailer finishes we assume that this dude gets married with his fiancee and the chick he had met dissapears out of his life but he can't get her off his head. i think he becomes obssesed with her and as much as he tries he can't find her and when he asks his friends if they remember this beautifull girl he met just before getting married,, none of his friends know what he is talking about and i think he begins going crazy but not insane and tries looking for her because he had fallen in love with her and thats all i remember. not sure if the movie is out but i do remember seeing the trailer in late 2007 so not sure if its out or what its called. i don't really recall any actors, just the main guy is a white guy and this chick he meets is white and has black hair, shes really preety and i think i have seen her in other chick flick movies. plus this movie is not a romantic comedy or drama. its more like a love story and taking chances in life sort of movie i know for sure its not one of these : " forgeting sarah marshall " ,,, " Hitch " ... or " Made of Honor " .... appreciate the help. thanx.