Please Vote.

Did you just call me a pinhead?

If you'd reread my post, you'll see that all I said was that being a successful businessman was not a good indicator of his ability to be world leader. There was nothing factually inaccurate about my description of a successful businessman. I even went so far as to concede that he may, despite this fact, turn out to be a successful world leader.

You understand that personal attacks are against ToS, yes?
Yup, I had a little meltdown sorry for that, my bad. This has been the mantra of the democratic side of this election for the past two years all you hear is how evil business is you want to see evil, how about a society without businesses. From the farms that produce goods to the truck that deliver them to the markets and the markets themselves. Obama say's "You didn't build that" (talk about a D bag) oh yea he was talking about the infrastructure, I know, well how about the logger who cut the timber, or the steel mill, or the rock quarry, see where I'm going with this. Furthermore in the USA government is of the people, by the people, and for the people. Those elected are to administer the will of the people, not grow the government to the point that it's people depend on it for their survival. As far as your education is concerned strip away all the comforts of modern society and it don't mean jack. So Mr Obama or anyone else that thinks the government is the end all just remember who built the government and who does and doesn't need it.

Wow another little meltdown...maybe I should change my avatar to Darth Vader.

Tomorrow it'll be all over.
hehe i have fans

For your pleasure:

douchebag, douche tit, douche off, and douche burger.

btw cuonggirl (sorry spelling) doesnt know what marxism is, i think.

Also, not all business is evil of course not. Enough are though as to make life miserable for the rest of us. Like our business community here in Newfoundland. Some want the fishing industry to be owned by fewer hands. That hurts the little guys. Second, one huge business man, named Danny williams, who was premier, (like a governor) wants to lock all of Newfoundland to pay for a proposed dam at Muskrat falls supposedly to provide electricity. The business community wants it because it will benefit them. Meanwhile it will hurt the average newfoundlander because they will have to pay more for electricity, also the business community isnt paying for it they want the average shmoo to be stuck with it for over 50 years the debt. I am not kidding. My father has made a website about it and a bunch of people including him are trying to get the government to not do the project.

btw north korea got as much in common with Karl Marx now as the WBC has in common with Jesus.
Most of you fine people across the pond underestimate the US population. We for the most part are better informed on the candidates then you believe but we just go about things different then you as far the process. Believing that Americans (most) only elect on one liners and slogans is insulting. We are just as informed as voters all over the world. By that I mean about our candidates. Our take on government’s role in the everyday lives of the people differs then the European and countries with heavy European influences view on how a government should run.

But as to the topic at hand, yes get out and vote especially research and vote on the local issues at hand which will affect you the most.

And here is a good link to check out. It’s makes some very good points even if it’s a humor site.
If America elects Romney they are admitting that they are a spent force. If you need to elect extremists then you are finished. They will make ever increasing grand gestures to appear strong while the fundamentals fall apart. So who do we want for the Chinese president.

The Bear.
Romney is far from an extremist, that's would be laughable, except I think what I've learned is that Europe and many other countries that are say quasi socialist governments, the people think that Obama is to "right" for them. If so then of course Romney, or any conservative, would seem extreme. We would be far from finished if Romney won, in fact win or lose I think you'll see that the message got across to both parties that the citizens want the country to move more "center right" if anything. Your going to see Obamacare go back to the supreme court and get somewhat dismantled, taxes will go down and a compromise will be made the next time the debt ceiling is voted on.

IMO the Chinese are going to fundamentally change, as more of their citizens become wealthier they will also become a consumer society and demand for goods within China hopefully will reduce the trade deficit and things will start to equal out.
I don't believe Romney was the extremist candidate of the Republican Party. That would have been Rick Santorum and/or Michelle Bachman. Romney veered to the right in the primary as that is what a Republican presidential candidate has to do. McCain did the same thing. One has to invoke the memory of Ronald Reagan and pretend to be the most conservative.

The far right doesn't trust center right candidates. This probably contributed to Romney's reputation as a flip flopper as he most likely felt he had to appeal to the them in order to win the nomination. The Republican Party faces a problem in that regard. You have to swing hard right to get the nomination and back to the center to win the election. There's no way the American people would have elected an extremist like Santorum or a psycho like Bachman.
I think that's true for Democrats as well, Obama backed off a lot of his extreme left rhetoric as the polls started to turn toward Romney, not a bad strategy, in fact necessary.
This is the truth of it. During the primaries both candidates will talk further right or left but as the actual election draws nearer the both swing more to the center on most issues but both will still be on the left or right to some degree depending on the issue.
Yep, a staunch capitalist - like those lovely bankers who demonstrated such an incredibly understanding of statistics recently, and showed us all that they understood clearly the difference between investment and gambling. It's a great recommendation.

You really don't know what Marxism is, do you? I'm starting to wonder if you know what an ideology is.

You misunderstand - it's because I believe you're just as informed as voters all over the world that I think you're uninformed.

Also - commercial advertising of political candidates is plain disturbing.

There are differences in view across Europe, you realise? In fact there are many more differing and dissenting views on government across Europe than there are in the states. I don't quite understand how you can think of Europe as a single homogenous entity - it makes sense for the States (one government and all that) but somewhat less so for the more populous, and larger, continent/economic entity of Europe.

Now I'm still trying to understand the American voting system. Do you actually vote directly for your local senator, who can influence local issues, or do you just vote for a party, or for someone who gets to cast a representative vote for you? The whole thing confuses me.

But yes, definitely vote.
Yes, I agree. I think it just is a little more apparent with Republicans. Both candidates have to appeal to the undecided come election time. They count on the party faithful to show up, it's the center that's up for grabs.
That awkward moment, when your ignorance and rhetoric that is accepted and shared by the community and friends you associate with is presented on the internet and begins to get criticized . . . . .
Man, look at the figures. China has maintained almost the same import/export ratio for the last decade. Why? It's not a free market. The state chooses the trade conditions that best favors It's goals. You act like China is a noob in this.

The Bear.
you have to understand what the electoral college means first of all. we use the electoral college for president.

but yes, at the state level, we directly vote for our state senators and congress persons. at the federal level, we directly vote for the state's federal senator and our state district's federal congress person. then locally, we directly vote for our city and county officials and judges.

for a good background.
I agree, but the trend is headed toward a consumer economy inflation will cause an increase in wages and a more equal playing field, If (and a big one) the Chinese government quits manipulating it's currency. Reduction in exports due to the economic crisis may cause the Chinese government to ease up on a hard line stance on it's economy, just my opinion, YMMV.