podcast suggestions?

His interviews with Stewart Lee, Armando Iannucci, Graham Linehand and David Mitchell have been hilarious.
Never really got the appeal of podcasts. They sound like the radio version of YouTube.
Love In Our Time and Joe Rogan, you might want to check out Great Lives on bbc podcast site as well - a guest selects someone they feel led a great life and the host and normally one expert on the individual talk about why he/she merits the claim.
Another vote for Joe Rogan and London Real (all on youtube).

I listen to Kevin Smith Fatman on Batman...only cos I like Batman and its an insight to various artists, developers and writers in the comic world like Jeph Loeb, Jim Lee, Geoff Johns etc...recently he did one with Stan Lee and they talked about Bob Kane (who Stan Lee knew on a personal level)
there's an excelent episode of that we're Christopher Hitchens and a some tory debet the merits of trotsky, good listen.
Thats the appeal, I can listen to them whilst driving, washing up etc and minimise my time spent sitting avoiding work etc.
My personal R4 favourites:

More or Less
File on 4
Material World
Something Understood

If you want something more effective than self-hypnosis or binaural beats to induce sleep, try listening to "Ramblings"
I'm currently listening to some right now, and I do feel quite drowsy.

[Ultra DeepMeditation] - Binaural Beats - YouTube

Still doesn't beat the pink noise of wind on the microphone, mixed with middle aged ramblers talking about absolutely nothing
The only MA podcast I listen to is FMA talk.


You can hear quite an amusing interview with MAP's very own Pat O'Malley. He mentions backsides a lot.
