Pokemon D&P Release Event


New member
Apr 4, 2008
Okay guys, last year, Pokemon Diamond and Pearl was released, and they had an event. Apparently no thread was ever created, so I am just trying to make everyone aware of how cool it really was.

So rewind to April, 22, 2007...

Well apparently, some kid was there minding his own business, when a

The kid quickly pulled out his camera to capture this once in a lifetime footage. At the beginning, you can ever hear a bystanders excitement. "Woah! Unbelievable!"

Then later on, as if once wasn't ENOUGH!!! While a father was standing with his kids, a

The dad was able to skillfully record TURTWIG's journey up the great ramp and onto the stage where everyone could see.

And after all the excitement, everything was closed off with an amazing, highly competitive, DANCE-OFF!!!

Sorry I couldn't have reported live for you guys!
Pokemon D&P Release Event

who was the chick in the skirt?

And yes, poor bastard who had to crawl that entire time. At the end he kind of gave up and sat on his ass. Who would blame him.
Pokemon D&P Release Event

Spore... I was going to just forget about that game after the video I saw but maybe I'll have to download it now.
Pokemon D&P Release Event

i cant wait for it to come out actually. im deffinitly gonna buy it
Pokemon D&P Release Event

Pokemon D&P Release Event


i wish they had stuck with the original 150, mabye the 250 at the most. the 500 or w/e they have now is just retarted.
Pokemon D&P Release Event

Thank you for reporting this. I for one am extremely sorry I wasn't sooner aware of this. Hopefully I can catch the new big release and make it out there.