[POLITICS] We are now represented by racists!!

mocking is not a valid argument but if its all you have.

i have already explained the policys that Discriminate against the indigenous people of briton you just just have to look into the Affirmative action laws. some of the ways that the gov discriminate against white british people are having quoters were ethnic minoritys have to by law make up a certain percent of jobs education and housing places not based on merit but because of the colour of there skin.

theres no real ethnic or cultural difference betwean any of the groups that make up the vast majority of the british population the celtic scandinavian and germanic peoples. it would be like saying a west african isnt black because he dosnt come from east africa.
in my previous post i didnt say or insuate that i was in anyway interested in a "plan to go about testing and checking who is actually descended from those people" but to imply that there is no british race is racist in itself.
the british have a culture and ethnicty of there own just like any other people of the world . you wouldnt say that the west indies dont have there own unique culture or ethnicty because thay happen to be made up of a mixture of african european and origenal population of the Caraïben, personally i would consider then to be the indigenous people of the Caraïben.

as for not using english properly i apologize im dsylexic.
My Scots ancestry is Flemish about 800 years back.
My great grandmother was Swiss.
My Grandmother was Irish.
My Grandfather was Norman decent.

Can the BNP please tell me which country I should be deported to.

The Bear.
There are a few million Scots, Irish and Welsh who would like to disagree with you. I have more in common with Asian Scots than I do with people from Kent just because they have white skin.

The Bear.
'British culture' - wait, is that the one forged by the sword and by raping and pillaging all over the world, taking countries by force, expecting people to conform and then getting angry when said peoples don't? Butcher's apron and all that... I can assure you that the Irish Scots and Welsh, however many generations removed, usually feel pretty separate from the 'British'/English, not least because of the tacit non-acceptance of those who refuse to conform fully to the prevalent culture (well, I can only speak for the Irish...)

Does the BNP stand for Scottish, Welsh or Irish values? What about the invisible immigrants? The white ones - like the Irish or (more recently) the Polish?

As I can feel my blood boiling, I think I'll sit this one out.

One last thing - there is no such thing as different races. As far as humans go there is one race. The human race. You're talking about ethnicity, which is a mix of cultural and superficial physical factors.
OK, I apologies in advance for being over-simplistic, but surely the fact that affirmative action laws exist in the first place would seem to imply that there is a lot of negative discrimination against non-whites in the first place.

All this complaining about how "the whites are being discriminated against in their own country" makes me think of a spoiled older brother who has all the best toys, whining about the fact that his younger brother has actually been given a toy of his own for a change.
Hmm... nice dodge but I put plenty of questions to you but you didn't seem to be able to answer many of them.

Well wait though... isn't that exactly what you're suggesting is the solution?

theres no real ethnic or cultural difference betwean any of the groups that make up the vast majority of the british population the celtic scandinavian and germanic peoples.

Only that 'black' isn't a culture in cased you hadn't guessed. A West African could be entirely different from an East African. Different language, different history, different physical make up, different religion... different culture. Sounds like you're not very up your African history... either ancient or modern.

Sorry your argument isn't washing.

Can you show me studies that show there is a one homogenous British race? Sounds to me like you're on a slippery slope with the race argument.

hmm... I'd say that you have a really weak understanding of the term indigenous. Very self serving and seems to be a weak attempt to shore up a very flimsy ideas based on a wobbly concept of race.
well thats your opinion and i believe you are entitled to it. my dads family are from Jamaica and the british for all the bad things thay did also did alot of good things aswell. you can be as self depricating about british colonialism as you like but unless you want to go back to working until your backs broken and dying at 45 with rotten teath your a bit of a hypocrite.

there are alot of black kids who die because there are not enough black bone marrow doners so how that works into your theory of there being no such thing as race, i dont know.
Reading this thread I see we have lots of people are jumping up and down in regard to the issue of racism and the BNP, and using very tenuous links and sources such as Wikipedia.

Personally I am NOT a member of BNP nor did i vote for them at the last election, however i also have very divided feelings over this claim of racism that people are so quick to make.

I always find it strange that certain religions can jump up and down and make all sorts of allegations about the criticism they get and call it racist. Its not plain and simple. Criticism of a religion is NOT racist.

Yet that doesnt stop someone being called a racist when one mentions mutilation of the private parts of children, the treatment of women, the harse laws and punishments for things that are not even crimes, yet already several European countries have followed the UN making criticism of Islam illegal.

You see this is where I personally get very peeved off.

I (Like many on here) have worked all my life, raised two kids, served in the armed forces and the police force, only to see our jobs taken away by the Poles who can work in our country and when they leave reclaim all their tax.

Now of course this is not the fault of the Poles, nor any other ethnic minority that comes to work or stay in our country, its the fault of the system. But if you say...

"Get the poles out of our country and give the jobs back to the British citizens",

suddenly your a racist

Why is someone a racist purely for stating that governement policy is wrong in regard to immigration and we should get tougher with who we allow into the country and that jobs should be given to Britons first?

We are in the middle of a recesion after all when unemployment is rising.

Which i think if one takes time to look at the speeches on the BNP site, is what the BNP is saying.

In fact just recently I heard Nick Griffin in a speech say that he does not blame the Poles for coming here, and if he could go elsewhere to work and get his tax back at the end of it he would be gone too. He continued the fault is in the system.

But for that he is labeled a racist.

I think personally we have to be very careful of this term racist, as its so easy to bander about against anyone who is not in favour of immigration, fundermental religion and work being outsourced to other countries/peoples.

Holyhead TCJ posted

Thats not exactly true. In fact if one examines the DNA evidence the saxons, romans etc had very little impact on our DNA in regard to our ancestry.

Actually you might find that a lot of BNP supporters know a lot more about history that many people that support other parties. I have two friends that vote BNP and what they dont know about history in not worth knowing.

Both have lectured in history for schools and universities.

But to put it into perspective what this lady has to say kind of puts it into perspective.

Am I being thick, but I didn't think bone marrow was dependant on your skin colour?
Urr, Garth - you posted a video made by the BNP...

Blanker - again I like how you dodged the question in the post. And the assertion that if anything the British are a mix of 'races' still stands.

where do I start? The British culture we have today has been massively affected by colonialism. The people who decided to come to the UK were usually from former colonies. And in the 1950s, Britain actively recruited Jamaicans etc to come to work in the UK because there was a shortage. With your father being Jamaican, I'm sure you know all about this.

And how does British colonialism have anything to do with poor sanitation, healthcare or medicine? Unless you're citing slave labour and the slave trade as a good thing, of course.

There are alot of white people who die because not enough white or black people alike can be found with suitable blood types. Go figure.
no i didnt say i supported the bnp just that i could understand why white poeple would feel like thay dont have anouther option. my solution would be to treat everyone equally. ethnic minoritys did verywell for themselfs in the uk decades before these laws.

i didnt say that 'black' was a a culture, thats something you have come to in your own head. i was using the analogy in the context of race.

not of hand

the british people are northern european to say that this dosnt exist is racist.
Erm. WTH? What does this discussion have to do with dying at 45? We live longer because we have a lot of doctors, many of whom are not white Britons, that keep us healthy.
I'm confused? Are you not white? Surely you're not mixed race - you'd be first in line for the chop under a BNP government.

Again - what the hell does that have to do with anything? There's not enough White bone marrow doners either. What does that prove?
Well this area gave them 10% and Barnsley about 16%.

All I am waiting for now is the rivers of blood. Some will say the far right in Germany were voted in on political upheaval and the same here happened today. Do people not learn about history any more or is it all old news?

All I can say on this matter now is Ich bin ein Auكenseiter.
Garth, the Poles argument is exactly the argument that annoys me the most. Why shouldn't they come and work here. This is global capitalism and and nothing to do with Poles or nationalism. The reason these systems are in place is to allows super-industrialists to exploit whatever resources they need to make wealth. We get dividend of that in the form of cheap goods and services. Ironically these days I have more in common with economic migrants than Brits. They don't spend their lives watching the X-factor/BB or Britain's got talent and peeing their education up a wall. They are interested in the world and understand the value of culture.

The Bear.
hilst I can understand where you are coming from. The BNP says (in their manifesto) that if elected they would offer financial incentives for people to return to there country of origin. And they the only people who they want to remain in the UK are the "indigenous people of Britain". This is a discrimination based on race and is therefore, by definition, racist. It's as simple as that.

The thing is the BNP don't promote this as they no that most people in the UK probably don't want an all white Britain. And many white people in Britain have friends who are not white, people who may have been born in this coutry and many would consider them as British as white Britons and wont agree with the BNP try to send them back to their "country of origin". So the BNP promote there popular, working class policies that get them support. But the do have racist policies and you can see them, just read their manifestos!
I think it's great. The European parliament which more accurately represents the spectrum of British political views than the House of Commons. With large numbers of Conservative and UKIP MEPS maybe we can start to work our way out of the bureaucratic money pit that is slowly taking our money and sovereignty.

As for the BNP MEPs, racists are entitled to be represented just as much as the rest of us.
The people who complain the most about Polish immigrants are the same people who have been on benefits for 10 years. It's a really nice excuse for those wasters who never had any intention of getting a job in the first place.

If a Pole can do a job to the same standard, cheaper, then that is fair and healthy competition within the job market. I'm all for it.
i dont think i dodged the question and im sorry if you feel that way. my point was that the british are a race in themselfs thay have a unique genetic make up that was my point, it may not be vastly different to say someone from any other north european country but thats neither here nore there and to discriminate against them on this basis is wrong imo.

people immigrated to this country because thay had admiation for it and it gave them a better life.

i dont see the slave trade as a good thing and i like to try and be objective so i dont think of things in terms of good and evil. every advance in history comes from civilisation who had slaves its just a fact of life and without science and the industrial revalution we wouldnt have any of the things you mentioned.

this is not the point, there are race specific illnesses and you cant really use bone marrow from white people on black people, im not an expert on this but there was a kid who died in my school due to this.