Poll: Survey for you my love's?


New member
Jul 1, 2009
1. Would you kill a kitten to save your friend?

2. Coca-cola or Pepsi?

3. How would you rate your appearance 1-10?

4. Are you hung like a horse or horse like a hung?

5. Do you swear a lot?

6. How often do you shower?

7. What if this was a job interview?

8. If a shark was coming after you, what would you do?

9. Have you ever pee'd the bed?

10. What's the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you?

11. Would you make a survey for me to fill out?
green apples or red? red
chocolate or vanilla? chocolate all the way.
coffee or tea? Tough one. coffee during the school days, and tea during the summer.

do you like to sleep with the lights on? I used to, because I believed in ghosts. Not anymore... I can't stand them on.
do you like eggos? Too soggy.

have you ever pet a deer? No, but I blew one's brains out and ate its insides.
have you ever wrestled a bear? I'd probably be dead.

if you had five dollars to spend in a 7-11, what would you buy? 5 small slushys, the gatorade kind.
1. Would you kill a kitten to save your friend? to save a friend...sadly yes :/

2. Coca-cola or Pepsi? coke

3. How would you rate your appearance 1-10? 5

4. Are you hung like a horse or horse like a hung? hung like a horse?

5. Do you swear a lot? ohhh yeah,

6. How often do you shower? everyday.

7. What if this was a job interview? what if?(;

8. If a shark was coming after you, what would you do? i dunno.

9. Have you ever pee'd the bed? haha yeah.

10. What's the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you?
in kindergarden we went on a field trip and i fell asleep and i woke up with crap in my pants :/

11. Would you make a survey for me to fill out? if you wanted me to:)
don't have the heart to
probably 9
every morning, can't seem to stay awake in class if i don't
you'd so be mine
punch him in the throat
when i was younger
threw up on a girl in a party lol.. didn't have my ribbons then

your survey:

green apples or red?
chocolate or vanilla?
coffee or tea?

do you like to sleep with the lights on?
do you like eggos?

have you ever pet a deer?
have you ever wrestled a bear?

if you had five dollars to spend in a 7-11, what would you buy?
1. Would you kill a kitten to save your friend? probably. ):

2. Coca-cola or Pepsi? pepsi. :)

3. How would you rate your appearance 1-10? 6 or 7.

4. Are you hung like a horse or horse like a hung? hung like a horse..?

5. Do you swear a lot? only when i get worried or mad. :/ but not a lot.

6. How often do you shower? everyday.

7. What if this was a job interview? that'd suck. D:

8. If a shark was coming after you, what would you do? honestly, i have no idea.

9. Have you ever pee'd the bed? yes.

10. What's the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you? too many to count yo. :)

11. Would you make a survey for me to fill out? eh. maybe. :)