POLL: This isn't a nice question, so don't complain!?


Jun 9, 2008
This is so weird and not at all nice, so if you're going to complain or answer with stupid remarks that don't answer the question then don't waste your time. But...

If you had to choose being locked in a room full of vomit, or a room full of crap, which would you choose? (Neither doesn't count!)

More importantly though, why did you make that choice!
Having seen a few answers I thought I'd give mine!

I always thought vomit, cos if you're a room full of vomit and you vomit, it won't matter.

If you're in a room full of crap, you'll vomit, and then have both to deal with!

And yes, I have too much time on my hands.
probably a room full of crap

given my sense of potty humor.. and all my experiences with cat poop, baby poop, horse poop, cow poop... ive grown a bit unfazed by it

however you can super sick from breathing that in for too long

and smell of vomit makes me want to vomit

I would rather be locked up in a room full of crap because although it stinks, it wont make me throw up. Vomit stinks AND makes me throw up.
I think vomit.
Because vomit can resemble food,
but crap always looks like..well poop,soo.