Poll: Where are you going on vacation this summer and what are you going to do?


New member
Jan 7, 2009
We are going to NY to visit my Husband relatives for 4 days and we are going to see Niagra Falls. Then we are going to South Carolina for 4th of July to see my brother and his family. Then we will go back home to Florida and go to Disney Magic Kingdom. I cant wait Im so exicted!
im vacationing at my girlfriend's parent's cottage in florida
well... im going to be doing her...she wants to lose her virginity...wish me luck'
I'm going to Ichetucknee with one of my friends sometime and then I have band camp in August. I might read some books this summer. Other than that, I haven't really planned anything really.
I'm going to my bedroom to sleep.

Jealous? Most people can't afford a vacation this great.
Going to croatia, France, Spain and Italy.
Cant wait. Its going to be great.
Going to spend time at the beach in Croatia, walk around Paris, Tomato fight in Spain and discover Italy.
Need to buy a camera too.
well my vacations are over :-[ my school is starting this monday.but i had gone 2 England, France, Switzerland, Germany and Belgium for holidays.
I'm going to Dorset to visit my mum for a few days, but my real vacation is at the end of December. I'm going to Helsinki and I can't wait! :)