Pop shakes head at N.H. primary result, Bernie balls out after win


Jun 17, 2007
Never a fan of between-quarters interviews during nationally televised basketball games, Gregg Popovich broke new ground during his chat with TNT's David Aldridge during the San Antonio Spurs' Tuesday night matchup with the Miami Heat: offering political commentary on live television without letting a single word slip past his lips.
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Uninterested in saying much about his team's slouch to a four-point deficit after 12 minutes, Popovich grumbled through a couple of non-answers and began to head back to the sideline before Aldridge piqued his interest. Hey, Pop: in the market for results of Tuesday's New Hampshire presidential primaries?

With a standstill stare and a shake of his head, Popovich — no stranger to political engagement and conversation — invited questions as to which outcome he found upsetting: Bernie Sanders being projected to win the Democratic primary, or Donald Trump had been called the Republican winner. Pop donated $5,000 to Barack Obama's presidential campaign back in 2012, though, as Deadspin notes, he has yet to make a donation this election cycle. (Our man Eric Freeman thinks Pop's a Hillary Clinton supporter.)
If Pop's ire was aimed at Sanders, perhaps it's because the Spurs head coach had yet to see the Vermont senator and noted sportsman shoot the J.
After winning "a commanding victory" over Clinton in Tuesday's primary, the 74-year-old Sanders celebrated by shooting around with his sons and grandchildren in a Concord, N.H., gym:
This is how @BernieSanders is celebrating right now pic.twitter.com/A2oBa3iJfo
— MaryAlice Parks (@maryaliceparks) February 10, 2016
While voters await victory speeches at the #NHPrimary, @SenSanders plays basketball with his sons and grandkids.https://t.co/A96I00Gl1J
— Fox News (@FoxNews) February 10, 2016
Watch Bernie Sanders shoot some hoops with his grandkids while he waited for #NHPrimary polls to close.https://t.co/qAN3NaNOjg
— NBC News (@NBCNews) February 10, 2016
Check out the smooth form from the block, smartly using the window, clapping to call for the ball when he's got a clear lane to the hoop ... yes, Sanders' political platform might be all about redistribution, but when he gets between the lines, he's going for his! It sure seems like Bernie's the kind of baller to whom Popovich would take a shine. Then again, given how much success Pop's had with a basketball robot over the past 19 years, maybe he was just disappointed that Marco Rubio didn't fare better.
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