Population of ST?

um. i thought mods wernt supposed to troll? i would report that post, not just cause its coming from you, but im sure youd be the mod that would look at it. and i really dont see you infracting yourself.

Which brings the question to mind, is it possible for the mods to infract themselfs?
the pregnant comment looks like trolling. at least the way this place has been modded in more recent times. especially cause p8ntgurl has been pregnant, fur times.

i dont know, i guess preggers is one of my buttons.
Well, what exactly would you call this little dialog were having, and a bit of the rest of the thread concerned with p8nt?
well im just saying i know her and snoller arnt exactly bffs but mods are generally held as being "the bigger person" as its said.
p8ntgurl, your husband is doin an honerable thing, there are many faggits who forget that we are indeed at war and that somebody has to do that duty.

if the war goes on for another year, i will be there to. Maybe ill send you a pm in a year, find out who he is, and shake your husbands hand :tup:
He'll be where he is for another 12 months and then he'll be in Qatar or Bahrain for a while :tup: Even if the war ends tomorrow, there will still be a military presence.
You kids are a bunch of morons who are just mad because you are not getting positive attention from the female mod.

P8nt is not only good looking but is quite a nice person if you get to know her.

She does her job as a mod. You guys get mad when you get infractions and stuff from her, sorry but that is what she is supposed to do and without mods like her the site would be a complete shit hole.

If you dont like her or the rules, then leave.