Post a pic of yourself! #8983475890

o rly?


EDIT: You are quite possibly the ugliest kid ever. How you have this "girlfriend" is beyond me. Guess you got a whole lotta game.

Last Summer. Im in the background with the orange hat. Crappy pic i know but i dont got anymore.

chick is not my gf, its my friends crazy ass bitch ex. I was pretty drunk in this pic lol.
Lol im bringing it back, Its like 4 inches atm :)

I have the whole of summer to keep growing it aswell. No school FTW
could you send me some inland tipains(sp?)

king browns
and or red bell black snakes?

also maybe a few monitors and or carpet pythons?
hiding ?

im english moved to australia when i was 6 mate..

still in australia didnt move.

really wanna goto nz though hit up some of the extreme tour packs they do are nuts :D