Post pictures of yourself V. I dunno

You want sex or something? I'm all for it, especially in a public place. It will be fun! No roofies, please. That was a bad experience.....


Thanks for clarifying that faggot. Stop fucking posting.

Thats me last halloween in my Jesus costume. I do not remember anything after 10 PM, including that picture.

Thats my first time ice skating and looking like a total homo while doing so
no u, and btw your the faggot ice skater. So fuck off bitch:idea: I swear you are one of one of the worst posters on this forum. Every time someone says something you dont like, all you do it throw a shit storm of stars and try to piece together a coherent sentence all while trying to sound bad ass.:rolleyes:
After examining this post with extreme scrutiny I have deduced that this man is a flaming moron and has no place here in my loved ST. (jk ST = communist China)
Dumbass dave looks boarder line Ginger Kid.. so I am upset :ugh:

I love thoese sunglasses only because no one can take you 100% serious when you talk to them, and plus you can check out boobs and ass with full 180* view un-detected.

EDIT: I got a hair cut.. it was really shaggy..


The chili pepper sunglasses