Posting rut.


Mar 22, 2008
So do any of you guys get these? No stupid questions to ask that you could answer yourself if you thought for two seconds, no arguements with people because you're not (or no longer ) a fanatic and can see a lot of dumb, repetative stuff said over and over no matter how many time countless bits of people have told and explained in depth why you are wrong, no vs. threads to post, no problems to be solved . . . . what does one do? I guess post useless stuff like this thread huh?

So what do you do in your posting ruts?
Well you start threads like this Sparkle!

Don't worry, inspiration will strike you when you least expect.
if i get in a rut i dunno, i really dunno
sometimes i will just reply to a post with a respone like wicked lol
Hey Sparky
There's always threads like 'the word game' and 'randomness' which I'm sure won't ever dry up.

Or - you can jump in chat and have a flapjack...
I seem to get into posting ruts allll the time because I don't think before I speak alot of the time....

I know if I tried to correct my posting ruts (as I have before) I just get into more of a mess!
OR, we could always go and post crap on MA forms that we all know nothing about!!!!!
Live on the edge, not in the rut
Yeah, I was thinking of doing another one...either that or offering free condoms....
When I'm in a posting rut, which is often BTW, I try to find a great new pic to post in the Martial Arts Babes thread, or a dirty joke to post in the Naughty Jokes forum (in the Secret Elite section - pay up and you can read some great jokes).

I rely heavily on other people to start threads.
Oh digging up humourous pictures or hotties for the MAB is a great way to bust a posting rut. so is "The Word Game".
If I'm in a posting rut I flirt with Nordic. Ends the rut and has all sorts of other beneficial effects as a bonus
Sparkle I thought about it and realised it is not a posting rut at all. Its a testament to the fact that you can:

1) Use and gain valuable information using the 'Search' function
2) Ask questions to real live people (eg. your training partners) and use other research tools
3) You are able to answer your own questions by putting together your knowledge + research

It is actually a good thing and means we won't get more of the following threads:

1) What style should I take
2) How to spar people bigger than me
3) How to lose weight
4) Are the splits useful?
