Potatoes, eggs & yogurt/kefir. Is this enough to meet my son's nutritional


New member
Jan 1, 2011
requirements? Hello,

For someone who is suffering from an eating disorder (my son) and is extremely undernourished, would it be a good idea to have him focus exclusively on these foods? He doesn't seem to tolerate anything except for these foods... and eats them to excess when he can, which is a good thing, because he is SEVERELY underweight. His weight is 100 lbs (+/- a few because he won't tell me) and I think he will succumb to his illness before long.

What kind of foods can I get him that won't cause him belly ache?


give him some protein stay away from fibers that will upset your stomach and tons of carbs like potatos frieds noodles any startches give him good lean meat not greasy food like fish baked chicken things that the body likes and will accept well increase dairy like yogurt and milk you want him to have whole or 2% cause he can benefit from the added fat. you want him to see that hey i can eat healthy and its ok.
Not enough at all. You need some vitamin C sources , beta-carotene is missing too. Iron is missing. Vitamin D, Zinc to name few.

try to add fruit and legumes at least.