preganant or what else could be going on?


Feb 28, 2008
Possible pregnancy? Or what could be happening?
I started a new birth control in january and in february I got a regular period two days after I stopped the meds to get my period. I stopped again this ssunday and there's been some clearish brownish spotting but barely anything at all. I have never skipped a period or gotten a really light one and I'm 18. Is that normal? Also, I was normally due to get my period at the beginning of the month but I was on vaction then and I didn't want to get my period so I continued into the next package of my birth control so I wouldn't get it until later...I did it when I was on another brand of brith control and didn't have a problem...but could this new brand make me skip my period if I made myself be on my period later..or are they all the same? What could be going on? Thank you:)
ps I'm on my third pack of birth control