Pregnant woMAN?? What the ?????



How can this story draw so much attention?? After all, it is a WOMAN who is pregnant. Just because the outer surface appears to be a man.....IT was born a FEMALE! How many times have you been to wal-mart and noticed many a grandma with a beard/moustache? Hormones, side effects from medications,or just bad genetics??? How can anyone say this is a MAN having a baby when IT is a female!! Regardless,to those who say the child will probably be"screwed up" because of the hormones SHE took (or takes), the fact is this child will be screwed up just for the situation....period. One eyed cyclops? Doesn't matter, the kid is inevitably going to be screwed up already.
OK, it was wrong for me to refer to the child as "it" but if that is all the child has to worry about, wont that be wonderful.
Frustrating with all the problems in the world the "news" organizations focus on freakshow bearded women as important.
She was a "He-She" in an outward man's body with female organs. I mean how confused do you think the child will be when he/she asks about how the were born? This "man" is totally female. I mean how can these two people do such a thing and bring a child into this world just to screw their life up? It really discussed me. I think they both need some professional help. I agree with you with this one.
You know what I think it's very rude for you to refer to a human being regardless of his or her gender as IT you are reducing this person to a thing an object void of feelings and so what if he is a she a transsexual doesn't mean they're child will be messed up as long as the child is love and brought up proper who cares. I have a brother in law who is gay and they definitely deserve to be parents more than most people such as yourself. You're the kind of person who teaches our youth to be sexist, bigots, racist, homo phobics, and to hate anyone who is different. What this person that you are mentioning and yes I know who you are talking about chooses to do doesn't affect you. Another thing the simplest rule taught to me by my two fathers when I was a child should have been taught to you. If you don't have anything nice OR INTELLIGENT to say don't say anything at all!