Pro-Lifers: if a hypothetical doctor in the future in a different country where it


New member
Feb 3, 2011
is legal told you that you? could save your infant's life from a terminal disease if you used stem cells from your own zygote would you get pregnant deliberately so he could harvest the zygote to save your child?

There is no alternative in this hypothetical scenario - it is science fiction but stick with the premise - you are pro-life - your infant child must have stem cells from your own zygote (a few weeks old) that you and your partner can provide

Please don't answer with any variation on the theme such as 'this wouldn't happen' Pretend it has. Stick with the premise. Would you create a zygote to save your own life or the life of your child? Or anyone's life?

Would you do it?

Repost. Not enough answers previously
I didn't answer, because I don't know what I would do. If something were wrong with one of my kids, and creating another to murder it for my child???? I don't think I could do it. If I were actually in the situation, I can honestly say that I really don't know what I'd do, but I'd like to think I'd stand by my pro-life stance, but we're talking about my child that's already here...

Seriously, don't know...
A hypothetical doctor is not a real doctor, so, no.

You for the story from an episode of Star Trek Enterprise, btw.