Problems with the Blackberry Storm keyboard?


May 16, 2008
I just got a Blackberry Storm, and half the time I text on the keyboard I'll take my finger off a key but the key will "stick" (for lack of a better term) and when I go to type another key it'll insert the letter on the stuck key. So in other words my BlackBerry will act like I typed the last key again multiple times when I'm trying to type another key. Is there any solution to this?
I think the best thing you can do is go to your carrier store and tell them what the problem is. No I do not believe there is any solution. Well besides taking the battery out, which you probably have done. But if that's no use, then go to your local cell phone carrier store and they should give you another one free because the phone has a problem internally and it's not your fault. So if the problem gets worse, they should give you a new one