Proof of Citizenship, applying for passports, traveling internationally by...


New member
May 29, 2008
...air question? So here is the situation and it is messy.
So according to the ammendment on February 27th, 2001, I am a derived citizen because my mom was naturalized and I was under 18 before 2/27/2001.
I do not have a certificate of citizenship, and have a Korean passport still.
Some law in 2007 states that I need a U.S. passport to reenter the U.S. after 2007.
My mom has lost her certificate of citizenship, but she still has her American passport.
I need an American passport for the above, and other reasons ( I'm worried the military might take me off the street and put me into their military under the assumption that i am 18 and a Korean citizen still- it has happened before)
To apply for an N 600 it takes 6 months processing time,
is there any other way for me to get an American passport?
Would my mom's passport and my license (showing my birth date) be enough proof that I am a citizen?
passport = mom is a citizen,
my birthday would show that i was under 18 when the amendment took affect.
Or do i have no chance?
What can i do?