Queen Midas Authors Felicia Bradshaw and Lena Banks - Dec 07,2012


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Mar 4, 2009
Author Felicia Bradshaw written several short stories (all unpublished, except one; A Star's Light; available on amazon.com) and three complete novels (69 Degrees…A Lady's Lounge, the sequel to my first book and a separate book titled hand me downs and Sistah Circle, now available on Kindle and Nook) and 3 partially finished books. (Be Careful What You Pray For, Revelations of a Drug Lord and Luxury Kids) ====================================== Author Lena Banks was raised by her dad (and his family) on the south side of Toledo, Ohio. Being an ambitious student of life she strives to always know more and have more. “Straight out the womb with a pen and a pad,” is how she describes when her writing begun. Her inspiration to write comes from the journey of her life. A profound lover of poetry, spoken words and a music fanatic, she hopes to one day reach the minds and hearts of everyone she can inspire. queen midas | Felicia Bradshaw | Lena Banks | sistahs on lit | authors
