question for Calvinists (Religion)?


New member
Apr 22, 2008
Doesn't John 3:16 - say that God so loved the WORLD that He gave His only Begotten Son?

but according to Calvinism - it basically would say that God so loved the ELECT that He gave His only Begotten Son.. right? If only the elect are saved?

how do you explain this?
"For there is one God, and one Mediator between God and men [all mankind], the man Christ Jesus; Who gave Himself a ransom for ALL [mankind], to be testified in DUE time" (I Tim. 2:5-6).
Some believe that God has predestined or elected certain people to be saved from the beginning of His creation. These preordinated or predestined ones therefore must be saved, while the rest apparently cannot be saved. This is unscriptural. The reconciliation of ALL, that is Scriptural.

Because many people die in a condition of unbelief, theologians have taught that these CANNOT be saved. Anyone who is UNsaved will NEVER be saved according to the popular teaching of almost all Christendom. There is, however, not a single Scripture that states that a person who dies UNsaved will never be saved. Most of humanity dies UNSAVED. And I assure you, they will ALL EVENTUALLY BE SAVED, for God has said it, and willed it, and He will bring it to pass.

"God WILL have all mankind to BE SAVED and come into a knowledge of the truth" (I Tim. 2:4).

Could it be the ones who self proclaim themselves as "elect" are the heads of churches?